Step 1: Log in to your website. If you do not know your login credentials reach out to our Tymber team and we'll send them to you.
Step 2: Find the "projects" tab located on the left side menu
Each deal that you see on the deals page of your website is located in the project area once you are logged into Word Press. *Note that there are Project Categories that are also visible on the deals page of your website.
Step 3: Click to open an existing project/deal to reveal three important elements the "title", "description", and "category".
The information in the project/deal mimics the display on the live site. Title, description, and category in the upper right corner.
Typically images are not recommended, however, a featured image can be set by using the "Featured image" on the right-side panel. Once set it would display as the background to the deal.
Step 4: From the "Text" tab copy the description of the existing deal
Step 5: Click to "Add New" and paste the description into the "Text" tab of the new deal to retain the formatting. Then edit the description to display the details of the new deal. Give the deal a title and don't forget to set the category.
Pro Tip: Codes should correspond with your POS system.
Step 6: Publish your deal to see it live on the website.
Step 7: Removing a deal is easy just set it back to "Draft" mode located in the right-side panel and it will not continue to display on your live site.