Tymber Ecommerce

Configuring the Pages feature

Written by Tymber Support | Jan 23, 2023 12:05:35 AM
This article will explain how to configure the Pages feature in Tymber Mission Control which allows you to configure links back to the content site from the ecommerce menu.


  1. Log into Tymber Mission Control at admin.tymber.io
  2. Click on the Pages tab
  3. Click Add Page
  4. Fill out Name TitleURL Slug and Description with the information related to the page you want to link to.
    1. For menus with a Custom Theme, toggle on Show in Header and disable Show in Side Bar.
    2. For menus with the Default Tymber Theme, toggle on Show in Side Bar and disable Show in Header.
  5. Click Save and refresh the menu. These will now appear in the header of custom themes and side bar of default themes.