Grow Sales | Creating a Metrc Transfer Template

BLAZE now makes processing transfers within Metrc easy! From Shipping Manifests, a template transfer can be created that is sent directly to the synced Metrc account. This saves time and decreases user error


1. Navigate to the Invoices section on the left-hand side. Either create a new Invoice or select an existing Invoice

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2. On the desired Invoice, click the Shipping Manifest tab.

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3a. If a Shipping Manifest does not already exist, click the orange Create Shipping Manifest button and fill in the mandatory fields: Driver Name and Actual Qty of each product. Click the orange Create button. 

  • NOTE: Other fields are optional, but useful to fill out. 

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3b. If a Shipping Manifest already exists and is not yet finalized, move onto step 4.

4. Click the green checkmark to finalize the Shipping Manifest.

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5. Click the green arrow to Create a Metrc Transfer Template within Metrc. 

  • NOTE: BLAZE will only create transfers for batches with Metrc tags.

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6. Log into Metrc. The template created in BLAZE will be available under Transfers-->Templates within Metrc

7. Utilize this template to initiate the transfer.