ECOM Mobile App | Google Restrictions

Reminder of Google's mobile app guidelines and how our app meets them

Getting an app on the Google Play Store

We create iOS apps for the Apple App Store and Android apps for the Google Play Store. Each developer has its own unique set of regulations and restrictions for an app to be approved. 

The Google restrictions differ from the Apple ones in the ability to sell cannabis products. As you can see in Google's developer policy, Google's apps are not permitted to sell cannabis. 


What does this mean for your app?

We build out your app with as many of the features that we possibly can including:

  • Ability to receive unlimited push notifications
  • Access to user profile and reward point totals
  • Full view of the menu and banner advertisements 

However, these users will be unable to add items to their cart and place orders. They will need to do so through your website or an iOS app. 

As you can see below, we have replaced the cart button with a prompt that explains this restriction and why it's in place: