ECOM | How to Create a Pop-up Form or Message in Klaviyo

This article will cover the basics of creating and installing a popup form with the Klaviyo integration and Google Tag Manager.

Creating a sign-up form in Klaviyo is fairly simple.

  1. Sign into the Klaviyo dashboard
  2. Click Sign-up Forms -> Create Signup Form
    Screenshot - 2023-02-23T152123.457
  3. This will take you to a page with several templates to choose from. You can choose whatever template best suits your needs or build one from scratch.
    1. For Password Reset popups, we recommend the New Product Drop template
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  4. You'll then have the ability to customize the popup design for informational purposes or to collect customer information.
  5. Click Publish and enter the domain you want the popup to appear on.
  6. To install on the ECOM menu, you will need a Google Tag Manager account and have it integrated to the ECOM Mission Control. Please reach out to to have your GTM Site ID connected to the ECOM.
  7. In Klaviyo, click the Install Code Snippet and copy the html code
  8. Log into the Google Tag Manager that is connected to the ECOM and click on the Workspace tab. Select Tags and click New to create a new Tag
  9. Select Custom HTML as the Tag type
  10. Name the tag and paste the Klaviyo html code into the HTML field
  11. Configure the triggering of the Tag. It is recommended to trigger on All Page, so if a customer lands on any page in the ECOM, the popup will appear.
  12. Click Save and confirm the popup is active on the site.
  13. Popups can be unpublished/paused in either Klaviyo or GTM