ECOM | Special Hours for Scheduled Deliveries and Pickups

This article will explain how to configure Special Hours for Scheduled Deliveries and Pickups.


The Special Hours feature allows you to configure an exception to the Ordering hours for Delivery and Pickup. You can use this feature to prevent customers from scheduling an order delivery for a specific day or time block.

  • Use cases:
    • Shift changes (no drivers available for a few hours)
    • Store closed for holidays/special events

The "Special Hours" for Pickup and Deliveries will only work if the settings "Pickup Asap Orders Allowed" and / or "Delivery Asap Orders Allowed" are set to "inactive" during the time of the "Special Hours" otherwise regular Pickup and / or Delivery orders will still come through if setting not disabled:


1. Login to Mission Control, click on the Settings Tab and select Deliveries or Pickup.2. Allow Scheduled Deliveries or Pickups must be set to active for Special Hours to be configured. Click Add Special Hour to create an exception to the  Ordering Hours.

  1. Adding a Scheduled Delivery or Pickup Special Hour over a Period of time:
    1. Enter a name. This is not visible to customers.
    2. Select Period in Special Hours Mode.
    3. Enter or select a date duration.
    4. Select a time slot
      • Note: If left blank, the Special Hours will be for the entire day.
    5. Click Save.
  2. Adding a Scheduled Delivery or Pickup Special Hour for a specific Weekday:
    1. Enter a name. This is not visible to customers.
    2. Select Weekday from the Special Hours Mode dropdown.
    3. Select a specific day from the Weekday dropdown.
    4. Enter a time slot
      • Note: If left blank, the Special Hours will be for the entire day.
    5. Click Save.