Distro | How do I Manage BLAZE Weight Options?

How to Manage Weight Options in BLAZE

1. Log into BLAZE using your email and password. 

2. Click  Annotation_2020-07-07_115843.png  in the top left corner of the page to open your Shop Settings.

3.  Navigate to Weight Tolerances found under Company Settings and click ADD TOLERANCE. Zf5Ro3GDi7.png

4. Complete the fields at the top of the page. Annotation_2020-07-07_120342.png

Name: This is the name of the weight option. It will appear in the Weight Per Unit drop-down menu when you are creating products. 

Start Range: This should be the same as your default value.

End Range: This should be the same as your default value.

Default Value: The weight of the unit in grams. 

Enabled: This should be toggled on to show in the drop-down menu. 

5. Click SAVE when you are done to add the new weight option.