Distro | Transferring Inventory from Distro to Retail

Transferring inventory from your Distro to your Retail location involves three basic steps:

 1. Copy the products' info and SKUs over to your Retail location (if its the first time they're being received),
 2. Transfer the inventory itself to your Retail location,
 3. Finalize settings.

Before starting, be sure you've received the inventory into your Distro shop, and that on the Retail side you've added your company as a vendor and, for California retailers, set it non-arms-length.

1. Copy product info over to your Retail location

In Distro, go to Inventory -> Products, and click the checkbox on any products that aren't already in Retail:


Go up to Select Action, click 'Copy Products,' and copy them over to Retail:


These products now exist in your Retail shop, ready to receive inventory!

2. Transfer inventory to Retail location

In Distro, go to 'Transfer Inventory' then click Create New Transfer:

Select (1) Retail as the 'To' Shop, choose (2) the appropriate TO/FROM Inventories, select (3) a 'driver' and (4) a product Category to sort to - or just pick "All" to show all products. For each product, type in the amount you're transferring over, the click Complete and Accept:


These products now have inventory in your Retail shop!

3. Finalize Settings.

While in your Retail shop, click 'Inventory'  -> Category 'All,' use search bar to find the new products, and click the checkbox(es) next to each of the new products.


Next, click "Select Action" towards the top and click 'Edit Vendor':


Choose [your company name] from the list of vendors available, and click Save.


At this point, for each new product, you can also:

-set the retail price,
-add an image if desired, and
-set "Sync to Third Party Menus" (i.e., Weedmaps and others) & "Show in Online Widget" (if you have an online store) to YES for the new products if you're wanting them to appear on any of those menus.