Retail | Cashless ATM Rounding Explained

This guide will help budtenders understand and effectively communicate to customers the process of $5 rounding when paying with the BLAZEPAY Cashless ATM terminals.

 What is $5 rounding?

When using a CATM card reader $5 rounding refers to the rounding of the total amount of a transaction to the nearest $5 increment. This occurs because the card readers process the transactions as a funds disbursement, operating as a mini ATM.


TOTAL DUE - $10.50


How to explain $5 rounding to a customer

Most ATMs are designed to dispense cash in fixed denominations. Typically, they do not handle smaller bills or coins because of this. Rounding to the nearest $5 ensures the card reader can provide the exact amount in the available denomination.

Simplified explanations:

  • “The terminals round to the nearest $5 because they operate similarly to an ATM”.
  • “Instead of dealing with odd amounts, $5 rounding creates a more straightforward transaction”.
  • “By rounding to the nearest $5 the Cashless ATM card reader can process your payment request quickly”.

If you have any additional questions regarding Cashless ATM rounding please reach out to for further assistance.