Retail | 30 Day Inactive Report

The 30 Day Inactive report will generate a list of members that have been inactive for 30 days or more. This report might be used to get a list of members you can call or email to extend a promotion or coupon to, in order to encourage another visit.

In order to optimize our reporting, reports over a 2-week period will no longer be shown in our UI. Any reports over a 2-week period will be auto-generated and sent to the email you are logged in with.
  • To access these generated reports in BLAZE, navigate to Data Export > Generated, you will find a list of generated reports you can easily download.

The 30-Day Inactive report can be accessed by navigating to Data Export > Member. It will be located in the list of reports.

The following is a list of all the types of data you will get in this report, and what they all mean. There is also an example export of this report attached to this support document.

  • First Name: First name of the customer as listed in their member profile in BLAZE.
  • Last Name: Last name of the customer as listed in their member profile in BLAZE.
  • Cell Phone: Phone number of the member on file as listed in their member profile in BLAZE.
  • Email: Email on file for the member as listed in their member profile in BLAZE.
  • Last Visit: Date of the last transaction processed for the customer.
  • Rec Exp Date: Date the member's recommendation will expire as issued by the doctor for any medical customer.
  • Total Amount Spent: Total of gross receipts generated by the customer from all of their previous transactions.