This guide will provide an overview of common Onfleet errors and how to resolve them.
Onfleet Error Log
- Navigate to Global Settings > Integration Settings > Onfleet > Team
- Select the desired Team
- An error log will be listed below with a more detailed message
Common Onfleet Errors
Completed Task in BLAZE Without Starting Task in Onfleet
- The task will need to be started in Onfleet before being closed out in Onfleet
Empty Order Assigned to Onfleet Team
- The order will need to be fulfilled and resubmitted to Onfleet
Member Profile Missing Phone Number
- A valid phone number will need to be added to the Member's profile and the order will need to be resubmitted to Onfleet
Employee Profile Missing Phone Number
- A valid phone number will need to be added to the Employee's profile and the order will need to be resubmitted to Onfleet
Employee Profile Not Created in Onfleet
- The Employee must be associated or re-associated with an Onfleet team
- Navigate to Global Settings > Integration Settings > Onfleet > Employee
- Find the desired employee profile, click the Update button, skip if employee hasn't yet been associated
- Click the Remove Team button, skip if employee hasn't yet been associated
- Click the Link button
- Select the desired Team
- In BLAZE Retail, reassign the order to the modified employee
Incorrect Address or Address with PO / Suite / Apt #s
- The address will need to be checked for any typos. If there are PO / Suite / Apt #s in the address, remove the additional address line from Member's address, and reattempt sending the order to Onfleet
- If you are still experiencing issues, please reach out to
Member's Address is Missing a City
- A valid city will need to be added to the Member's address in BLAZE and the order will need to be resubmitted to Onfleet
Removed Onfleet Task Before Removing from BLAZE Queue
- Error occurs when task is deleted in Onfleet before removed from the queue in BLAZE. As long as this was your intention (removing task/order), there's nothing additional needed to do.