Retail | Create Outgoing Transfers

NOTE:  This option is only available for specific states

New Outgoing Transfer

  • Retail > Compliance > Compliance Transfers
  • Click on the Outgoing tab
  • Click on the New Transfer button
  • Transfer Type: required, select from the drop down list
  • Delivery Date / Time: enter the delivery date and time
  • Product Name:  Add an existing product from your shop
  • Batch ID: Select the batch 
  • Parent Compliance Tag: Auto populates after the batch is selected
  • Quantity: Auto-populate depending on the batch
  • Shipping Quantity: Enter the quantity being shipped
  • Outgoing Compliance Tag:  
  • +Add Product: Click on this to continue adding product

  • Template Name: This field will auto-populate 
  • Choose a Company Name and Contact Name for both the Shipper and Receiver. The Company Type, State License #, Address, Phone Number will auto-populate based on the information contained in the Company Profile.
  • Choose a Driver Name from the drop-down to select a driver. Once a driver is chosen, the rest of the Driver Information fields will auto-populate based on the information contained within the Employee Profile. 
  • Verify the Shipping Address from the drop-down menu.
  • Click Save
  • Click Send To Metrc  

Once the transfer is sent to Metrc, complete the transfer in Metrc by following these steps: 

  1. Log into your Metrc account.
  2. Click the down arrow next to Transfers and select Templates.
  3. The Metrc Transfer Template you just created will show here.
  4. Locate the transfer template and click the Use button on the far right.
  5. A New Licensed Transfer window will populate.
  6. Fill in the necessary information and click the green Register Transfer button. The transfer will be sent to your recipient. 

If you have further questions, please reach out to us at !