Retail | How to Create a Metrc Delivery

This article will walk you through creating a Metrc delivery.

NOTE: This feature is only available for shops with a Metrc license in OR, CO, NV, MA, and MI. 


Driver Employee Profile

The Employee Driver profile in BLAZE will need to have all of the following information entered for compliancy: 

  • Vehicle Model
  • Vehicle License Plate
  • Occupational License Number (Metrc employee license number, found in Metrc)
  • Insurance Expiration (Driver's car)
  • Insurance Company (Driver's car)
  • Policy Number (Insurance policy number)
  • Registration Expiration (Driver's car registration) 
  • Vehicle Vin
  • Vehicle Make
  • Driver's License
  • Driver's License Expiration

Metrc Integration

  • The setting Post Delivery Transaction needs to be disabled
    Global Settings > Integration Settings > Metrc > Post Delivery Transaction
    NOTE: Metrc API key and Metrc Facility must be synced and enabled. 

Dispatch Section

  • The order is a Delivery

  • Needs to have a "scheduled time" day & time set 
  • The order is assigned to a driver & in progress

  • The order is packed

How to Create a Metrc Delivery

1. Ensure the prerequisites have been met.

2. In BLAZE Retail, navigate to Dispatch > In Progress, Scheduled, or Completed Orders.

In Progress or Scheduled Orders

  • Select the check box left of the applicable order(s)
  • Click the Mass Update Action button
  • Select Create Metrc Delivery

How to Create a Metrc Delivery 1


Select the Blue box (...) bottom right of the order profile for options to select Create Metrc Delivery 


How to Create a Metrc Delivery 2

Completed Orders

  • On the far right of the order profile will be a blue box to hover and see "Create Metrc Delivery"

  • Click the button to send Metrc Delivery

  • You should see a success message pop up if successful

How to Create a Metrc Delivery 3

3. Successful Metrc deliveries will display a green Metrc icon, while unsuccessful Metrc deliveries will display a red Metrc icon when viewing the order profile in the dispatch section. 

NOTE: If a red Metrc icon displays, repeat steps 1-2.