Retail | How to Create Storewide Sales

Storewide sales are useful for third party integrations and on BLAZE applications. They are currently unavailable for non-third party online store integration. These Storewide Sales are automatically applied to appropriate orders.

Follow along with the following steps to create a Storewide Sale!

How to Create a Storewide Sale:

1. Navigate to the Loyalty/Marketing section on the left-hand side and click on the Storewide Sales tab. Click the blue Add Storewide Sale button. 

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2. A popup will appear. Enter the name of the sale here. Click the blue Save button. 

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4. You will be redirected to the profile for the newly created storewide sale. Here, it can be editedenabled, or deleted

  • To edit the sale, click the grey Edit Sale button.
    • Name: The sale's name.
    • Sale Description: Description of the sale. 
    • Status: Whether or not it is applied automatically. 
    • Discount Type: Currently, the only available type is percentage-based.
    • Discount Amount: The amount of discount applied. 
    • Brand: Any brands included in the sale. 

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  • To enable the sale, click the grey Enable Sale button. This allows the sale to be automatically applied when applicable
  • NOTE: *Make sure the BRAND is associated to the appropriate product profiles before enabling.

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  • To delete the sale, click the red Delete button.
  • NOTE: In order to delete the sale, it needs to be enabled.