Retail | Menu Options

Once in Retail Store View, you'll find these options on the left-hand side:

  • POS - The POS section is where you can process sales on the web. You can also re-assign members in the queue from this section.
  • Dispatch - The Dispatch section is where new orders placed online appear, and where new walk-in orders from customers can be entered. Once they're in dispatch, orders can be processed in the POS section.
  • Delivery - The Delivery section shows the current location of your delivery driver(s) as well as maps out where all delivery transactions took place.
  • Transactions - The Transactions section lets you see all transactions (Sales, inventory transfers, refunds, etc.) for a given time period. This is the primary location to look up info, process refunds/adjustments, cancellations and more.
  • Cash Drawer - The Cash Drawer section is where you can start and close cash drawers as well as see cash drawers from the past.
  • Loyalty/Marketing - The Loyalty/Marketing section is where you can add/edit promotions, rewards, storewide sales and SMS marketing.
    • Promotions - This section is where you will create or edit your promotions
    • Rewards - In this section, you will see the Rewards that are available and create new ones.  You will also be able to view the Loyalty Activity by the Usage and those that are Earned.
    • Storewide Sales - create or edit storewide sales
  • Inventory - The Inventory section is where you can manage all aspects of Inventory.
    • Inventory Reconciliation - You can manage your physical inventory counts and update your compliance quantities also.
    • Inventory -> Transfer Inventory - The Transfer Inventory section will be used daily. This is where you can transfer quantities between various inventories such as Safe, Delivery Bag 1 and Shelf.
    • Inventory -> Manage Categories - The Manage Categories section is where you can add, edit, or delete categories.
    • Print Labels - you can print product labels from this menu for multiple products.
    • Inventory -> Category List - There will be a full list of product categories under the Inventory section. Each product category will have a list of all products in that category where you can add, edit and delete products.
  • Purchase Order - the Purchase Order section allows you to create, process and email new Purchase Orders for increasing inventory. You can also view completed/archived POs here.
  • Brands - the Brands section lets you create and view all product brands that are in use at your store, associate them with specific vendors, and more. You will need to add Brands here before you can reference them in your inventory.
  • Shipments - the Shipment sections lets you view incoming, accepted and rejected shipments of product.
  • Members - The Members section shows all members (customers) who are a part of the shop. You can search, add, edit and delete members from this section.
  • Vendors - The Vendors section allows you to manage your vendors: those arms-length or non-arms-length distributors you order and receive product from. You can search, add, edit and delete Vendors.
  • Physicians - The Physician section allows you to manage your patient-members' physicians. You can search, add, edit and delete Physicians.
  • Caregivers - The Caregivers section allows you to manage your patient-members' caregivers. You can search, add, edit and delete caregivers.
  • Employees - The Employee section allows you to manage all employees in the company. You can Clock Employees out as well as assign them to a particular shop or shops.
  • Data Export - The Data Export section is used to run analytics and reports across all aspect of your dispensary. We have over 45 reports available.
  • Global Settings - The Settings section is used to control all configurations for the Company and the Current Shop Settings.
    • -> Company Settings - The Company Settings section allows you to configure settings Company wide.
    • -> Current Shop Settings - The Current Shop Settings section allows you to change settings that are shop specific such as member contracts, inventories and taxes.
  • Support - The Support section is where you can log a ticket with support and view support articles.
  • Power button - The Power Icon/button is located in the upper right hand corner of every screen. By clicking on the power icon, you will be logged out of the website.
  • Avatar - The Avatar/User Icon in the upper left corner shows the current user logged in. Click on the icon to pull up your account details.
  • Shop Button - In the upper right corner of the screen, you will see your current shop name. You can switch shops by clicking on this button.
  • Clock Out/Clock In button - The Clock In/Clock Out button in the upper left corner above the navigation allows you to Clock in and out.