Retail | Paid-In / Paid-Out / Cash Drawer Activity Report

The Paid-In/Paid-Out/Cash Drawer Activity report displays all records of paid-in, paid-out, and cash drop actions performed in the selected date range.

In order to optimize our reporting, reports over a 2-week period will no longer be shown in our UI (user interface). Any reports over a 2-week period will be auto-generated and sent to the email you are logged in with.
  • To access these generated reports in BLAZE, navigate to Data Export > Generated, you will find a list of generated reports you can easily download.

The Paid-In / Paid-Out / Cash Drawer Activity report can be accessed by navigating to Data Export > Transaction. It will be located on the list of reports.

The following is a list of all the types of data you will get in this report, and what they all mean. 

  • Date: The date the paid-in, paid-out, or cash drop action took place.
  • Cash Drawer Date: The date the cash drawer was active.

    NOTE: The cash drawer date does not necessarily have to match the date the action took place, as this action can be performed on old, still-opened cash drawers.

  • Employee: The name of the employee that performed the paid-in, paid-out, or cash drop action.
  • Terminal: The terminal where the paid-in, paid-out, or cash drop action was performed on.
  • Starting Cash: The amount of starting cash associated with the cash drawer the paid-in, paid-out, or cash drop action was performed on.
  • Day End: The day-end amount is equal to the expected in-drawer amount as listed on the cash drawer page.

    NOTE: This number is subject to change as long as the cash drawer is still active. Because of this, you should not refer to this number unless the cash drawer is completely closed and no longer active at the time of running this report.

  • Daily Sales: The dollar amount of sales performed on the associated cash drawer for that day.

NOTE: This number is subject to change as long as the cash drawer is still active. Because of this, you should not refer to this number unless the cash drawer is completely closed and no longer active at the time of running this report.

  • Paid-In: The dollar amount that was paid-in when the action took place (if the action was a paid-in).
  • Paid-Out: The dollar amount that was paid-out when the action took place (if the action was a paid-out).
  • Cash Drop: The dollar amount that was a cash drop when the action took place (if the action was a cash drop).

  • Notes: This will show the note that was entered by the employee who performed the paid-in, paid-out, or cash-drop action at the time of the action taking place.