Retail | Total Sales Report

The Total Sales report displays a dated list of members transactions - sales and refunds -  with tax, discount and gross receipt information.

In order to optimize our reporting, reports over a 2 week period will no longer be shown in our UI. Any reports over a 2 week period will be auto-generated and sent to the email you are logged in with.
  • To access these generated reports in BLAZE, navigate to Data Export > Generated, you will find a list of generated reports you can easily download.

The Total Sales report can be accessed by navigating to Data Export > Transaction. It will be located on the list of reports.

The following is a list of all the types of data you will get in this report, and what they all mean. There is also an example export of this report attached to this support document.

  • Date: Date and time of the transaction ("Processed On" in transaction details).
  • Member: Full name of the member on the transaction.
  • Trans No: Transaction ID - This is the unique ID for each transaction generated in BLAZE. A transaction can be a Sale, Refund, Reconciliation, or a Transfer.
  • Trans Type: The type of transaction being processed. A transaction can be a Sale, Refund, Reconciliation, or a Transfer.
  • Trans Status: The current status of the transaction as found in BLAZE. The status can be In Progress, Hold, or Completed.
  • Consumer Tax Type: There are three consumer tax types in BLAZE Retail: Adult Use, Medicinal MMIC, and Medicinal Third Party. Each consumer type can have a different tax rate if the tax settings are configured for complex taxes.
  • COGs: COGs stands for Cost of Goods Sold. To calculate this, BLAZE uses the batch COG on a unit level and applies it to the quantity being purchased by the customer to get COGS. This does not include excise tax, excise tax is a separate line items.
  • Retail Value: Retail value is the price the consumer pays BEFORE any discounts, loyalty points, promotions and / or taxes have been applied.
  • Discounts: The total dollar amount of discounts on the transaction.
  • Pre AL excise Tax: Total of excise pre-taxes applied for AL (Arms Length) sales.

    NOTE: The vendor of the product determines whether AL or NAL excise tax is applied.

  • Pre NAL excise Tax: Total of excise pre-taxes applied for NAL (Non-Arms Length) sales.

    NOTE: The vendor of the product determines whether AL or NAL excise tax is applied.

  • Pre City Tax: Total of city pre-taxes applied.
  • Pre County Tax: Total of county pre-taxes applied.
  • Pre State Tax: Total of state pre-taxes applied.
  • Pre Tax: Total of federal pre-taxes applied.
  • Post AL Excise Tax: Total of excise post-taxes applied for AL (Arms Length) sales.
    NOTE: The vendor of the product determines whether AL or NAL excise tax is applied.
  • Post NAL Excise Tax: Total of excise post-taxes applied for NAL (Non-Arms Length) sales.
    NOTE: The vendor of the product determines whether AL or NAL excise tax is applied.
  • City Tax: Total of city post-taxes applied.
  • County Tax: Total of county post-taxes applied.
  • State Tax: Total of state post-taxes applied.
  • Federal Tax: Total of federal post-taxes applied.
  • Total Tax: Total of all applied post-taxes.
  • Delivery Fees: Total of Delivery Fees applied to the transaction
    NOTE: Fees can be configured in Global Settings > Current Shop Settings > Fees & Minimums.
  • Credit Card Fees: Total of Credit Card Fees applied to the Transaction
    NOTE: Fees can be configured in Global Settings > Current Shop Settings > Fees & Minimums.
  • Cashless ATM Fees: Total of CashlessATM Fees applied to the transaction
    NOTE: Fees can be configured in Global Settings > Current Shop Settings > Fees & Minimums.
  • Gross Receipt: Gross receipts are the sum total of all of your sales including taxes and fees, but not including discounts (Sales + Taxes + Fees - Discounts = Gross Receipt).
  • Employee: The employee who processed the transaction.
  • Terminal: The terminal that was used to process the transaction.
  • Payment Type: The payment type used to process the transaction (EX: Cash, Check, Credit, Store Credit, Cashless ATM).
  • Promotion(s): The promotions applied to the transaction.
  • Market Source: Marketing source of the member as listed in the BLAZE member profile.
  • Order Tags: Any tags that were attached to the transaction.

    NOTE: This field will be blank if no tags were attached.

  • Created By: Name of the employee that created the transaction in BLAZE.

  • Created Date: Timestamp representing the time and date the transaction was created in BLAZE.
  • Prepared By: Name of the employee that prepared the transaction in BLAZE.
  • Prepared Date: Timestamp representing the time and date the transaction was prepared in BLAZE.
  • Packed By: Name of the employee that packed the transaction in BLAZE.
  • Packed Date: Timestamp representing the time and date the transaction was packed in BLAZE.
  • Start Date: Timestamp representing the time and date the transaction process started in BLAZE.
  • End Date: Timestamp representing the time and date the transaction process completed in BLAZE.
  • Discount Notes: Any notes taken at the time of applying the discount to the transaction.

    NOTE: This field will be blank if no notes were taken.

  • After Tax Discount Notes: Any notes taken at the time of applying the discount to the transaction.

    NOTE: This field specifically looks for notes on AFTER-TAX discounts.

  • Region Name: The delivery region the member is a part of as listed in the member's BLAZE profile.
  • METRC Tag: METRC package tag attached to the product sold in the transaction, if any was available.