ECOM | Surfside Commerce Media (SCM) Integration

This article will cover how to connect Surfside with your eCommerce Menu

Surfside collaborates with brands to display ads on retailer websites and menus, utilizing formats such as banner ads or product placement generating ad revenue. 

NOTE: The Surfside integration must be connected to each individual ECOM store in Mission Control (if multiple stores exist).

How to connect Surfside Commerce Media with your ECOM:

  1. Log into BLAZE Mission Control
  2. Click General -> Integrations -> Surfside -> Connect 
  3. Enter the Surfside ID and Surfside Source ID and click Save

 How to Activate/Deactivate Surfside Banner
  • After clicking on Surfside, click on Settings to toggle active/inactive button
    • Active = Shows Banner
    • Inactive = Does not show Banner

Where it appears on the menu

The Surfside banner will be clickable and appear below the ECOM Promotional banners at the top of your eCommerce menu. Further banner placement within the ECOM menu is available and we highly recommend contacting Surfside to obtain the needed IDs to complete setup on ECOM.

To learn more about the Surfside Banner Placement settings, please click here.