Retail | Create a New Master Product

The Master Products will let you control your products from a top-down alignment in your business. 


NOTE: You must have the correct Permissions to be able to access the Master Products. 

  • To create a New Product navigate to Global Settings > Master Catalog > Master Products
  • Click on the NEW PRODUCT button


  • A window will open to create a new master product



NOTE:  Asterisks indicate required fields for creation.

  1. Product Type:  Regular or Derived
  2. Product Name: Required Enter the name of the new product.  Product names must be unique.
  3. Cannabis Type: Select from the list.
  4. Status: Active or Inactive
  5. Master Categories: Required Select from the list.  
  6. Locations: Required Select from the list of locations/shops.
  7. Retail Value:  Enter the price for this product.
  8. Same Price Mix & Match: Active or Inactive
  9. SKU: Enter the SKU for the product. This must be unique
  10. Vendor: Required Select from the list of vendors.
  11. Secondary Vendors: Select from the list of vendors.
  12. Brand: Select from the list of brands.
  13. Price Includes Excise Tax: Active or Inactive
  14. Sell Type: Recreational, Medicinal, or Both.
  15. Sync to Third Party Menus: Active or Inactive.
  16. Description: Description of the product.
  17. Producer MFG: Select from the list.
  18. Producer License #: Enter the license number for the producer.
  19. Producer Address: Enter the address of the producer.
  20. Show In Online Widget: Active or Inactive
  21. Concentration - Total THC%: Enter the total THC %
  22. Concentration - THCa%: Enter the THCa %
  23. Concentration - Total CBD%: Enter the total CBD %
  24. Concentration - CBDa%: Enter the CBDa %
  25. Concentration - CBN%: Enter the CBN %
  26. Apply Cart Discount for Tax Calculation: Active or Inactive
  27. Item Not Eligible for Discount: Active or Inactive
  28. Product Images: Press the UPLOAD button to upload an image file
  • Click the CREATE MASTER button to save this new product

If you have further questions, please reach out to us at !