Here we will go through the process of returning bundled products. This process will require reconciling the bundled product batch, as well as all the individual product batches associated with the bundle.
Below we will reconcile:
Reconcile Bundle Product
1. Navigate to Inventory > Inventory Reconciliation.
2. Locate the bundle item you're reconciling. Ensure "Reconcile by Batch" is selected.
3. In the Metrc adjustment options, select Do Not adjust Metrc.
4. Enter the actual amount in the field to adjust the item.
- EX: If you're returning all units of inventory for this batch, enter (0).
5. Submit Report to finalize the reconciliation.
Reconcile Each Individual Product within the Bundle
1. Go to the bundle product profile and select the Bundled Info queue. This is so you can reference the individual products within the bundle and identify them in the reconciliation tab next. (you're going to want to double-check batch ID's to make sure you're putting the product back into the correct batch)
2. Navigate to the Inventory > Inventory Reconciliation.
3. In the Metrc adjustment options, select Do Not adjust Metrc.
4. Locate one item at a time and enter the actual amount to return this batch quantity to.
- EX: If you returned 10 units from the bundle, you would add (+) 10 units to this item to reconcile up.
5. Submit Report to finalize the reconciliation.
6. Repeat the steps above for each item in the reconciled bundled product.