Retail | How to Split a BioTrack Batch

The split function will allow you to split inventory items into sub lots or sub batches. For example, if you have a lot of Flower and only wish to sell half of it, you would need to first split the batch.


Split the Batch

1.  Retail > Inventory

2.  Search for the product

3.  Go to the Batches Tab of the product

4. Click the Split button

  • Select the inventory location to split from
  • Enter the Quantity to put in the new batch
  • Click Split

5. Once the process is complete, you will see a new batch with the quantity entered and it will also return with a BioTrack barcode.


Split in Progress

1.  Retail > Compliance > Compliance Task Manager

2.  Look for the Split Package task, it should be pending

3.  Once it shows Successful, the split is complete


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