ECOM | Discounts Tab/Deals Page

How to create a deals page and use the BLAZE ECOM Discounts Tab in Mission Control

Deals/Discounts Subtypes - Promotions, Coupons, Rewards 

Promotions, coupons, and rewards must first be configured in the POS. 

Blaze POS: Promotions/Coupons , Rewards

⚠️ Only available for Blaze and Greenline POS clients. 

When featured (activated) your promotions, coupons, and rewards will be displayed on the deals page of your BLAZE ECOM menu. 

How to Create a Deals Page

  1. Log into Mission Control and navigate to the Pages tab in the left hand navigation menu.

  2. If you do not have a Deals page already set up, you can create one by clicking on Add Page on External Pages section and adding deals as URL slug.

⚠️ Only premium themes support page link in the footer.

3. Once deals page has been created, you may now navigate to Mission Control > Discounts tab on the left navigation menu to view your available Promotions, Coupons, and Rewards


Position: Current position of deal card relative to its group. 

Name: Current display name.

Description: Discount description.

Source: Source Point-Of-Sale.

Active In POS: Is deal active in the point-of-sale.

Featured: Is deal shown (featured) on the deals page.


Position: Current position of deal card relative to its group. 

Name: Current display name.

Description: Discount description.

Type: Type of discount (cart, product, delivery fee)

Active In POS: Is deal active in the point-of-sale.

Featured: Is deal shown (featured) on the deals page.


Position: Current position of deal card relative to its group. 

Name: Current display name.

Discount Amount: Amount discounted. 

Source: Source Point-Of-Sale.

Points Required: Number of points required to redeem deal. 

Featured: Is deal shown (featured) on the deals page.


Updating Deal Card Display Information


To update the fields in the deal card go to Mission Control > Discounts and select the deal you would like to edit. 

Upload Image: Upload a 600px by 400px image to be displayed

Position: Reorder deal cards within their own group (e.g., coupons, rewards, etc.). Changing the position of a deal card will only affect its order within that specific group. For example, if a coupon deal card is set to position #1, it will be the first card in the coupon group.

Name: Update display name.

Type: Type of discount. 

Featured: Show/Hide deal card from the deal page.

Description: Write a description about the deal. 

Disclaimer/Conditions: Add any disclaimers or conditions that pertain to the discount. 

💡 Rewards are shown first in the Deals list, followed by promotions and coupons.