Retail | Quantity (Batch) Flattening

Enabling this option in your shop will allow you to enter the batch for each item in your transaction that has multiple quantities for a single item. This will help you to stay compliant with tracking the specific packages that are being sold

NOTE:   This option can only be used with shops that use the Fulfillment Check out method. 

Free: Incandescent light bulb Ohm\'s law Computer Icons, Tips transparent  background PNG clipart - Reach out to BLAZE support to request this option to be enabled.


Configuration Settings


Once the transaction has been created and sent to fulfillment.  You will see the line items separated out for fulfillment. 


1.  Order created and sent to fulfillment

2.  Click on the FulFill button to expand the multiple items into single items


3.  The item with multiple quantities will be expanded into individual items for fulfillment.  Click on the FulFill button to enter each items batch.  Once you have scanned or entered the batch information, you can go to the next item for fulfillment.

4.  Once all items have been fulfilled, click the Place Order button

5.  Continue processing the order and payment.


If you have further questions, please reach out to us at !