ECOM | Integrate With Alpine IQ

How to integrate ECOM with your Alpine IQ dashboard and offer Alpine rewards at checkout.

1. Email with your AIQ API Key as well as UID.

2. Where to look in Alpine IQ: Settings > API & Tracking > Copy your key and UID 

3.: While on the AIQ page in MC, click on Settings and decide if you want to toggle an Alpine IQ Opt-In text on or off. If on, Alpine IQ will send an additional text asking the customer to opt-in to text marketing upon sign-up.  

Customers do not need to opt-in to Alpine IQ text marketing to accrue and redeem loyalty points. 

Please be aware that we are sharing only the following information with Alpine IQ:

- After each order acquired points will be sent to AIQ

- Customer info from the SignUp page on ECOM will be shared with  AIQ

- Information on abandoned carts to AIQ will be shared with AIQ

Caution (Blaze Partners): You will only be able to use 1 reward point system through ECOM. If you connect Alpine IQ, you will not be able to offer Blaze rewards at checkout.