ECOM | Strikethrough Pricing: Greenline Retail POS

This article outlines how to enable strikethrough pricing (automated discount) on an ECOM menu.

Discounts have to be set up from within the Greenline POS directly. In order to be able to get to the setup page for discounts, click on the "Products" tab from within the Greenline POS, and from the drop down menu select "Discounts". In the "Discounts" window itself, navigate to the "+Add discount" icon in the top right corner and click on it:

Once on the setup window for the Discount and after having filled out all details in the "General" tab, make sure to set the "Applied to" option to "Product" and the "Automatic discount" to "On" in the "Type" tab - only when these two settings are set as described strikeout pricing will appear in the ECOM menu for the relevant product:

In the "Product" tab the product(s) can be selected for which strikethrough pricing should apply. Strikethrough pricing can be applied to specific products only, or to specific categories only, or as a third option to all products and categories within an ECOM menu:

Under the "Time restriction" tab the duration can be set on how long strikethrough pricing should be active on the ECOM menu. When selecting the option "All", strikethrough pricing remains active until canceled manually in the POS again:

When selecting a range, a start and end date for strikethrough pricing can be set and by toggling the "Time" switch to "Specific" a time frame within the start and end date can be set for the discount to only be displayed during a certain time period:

When selecting "Recurring" as a time restriction, the discount can be activated for specific days of the week, and by toggling the "Time" switch to "Specific" a specific time frame within the selected week day(s) can be determined for strikethrough pricing to show on the ECOM menu:


It is important to be aware that all loyalty POS related loyalty programs are disabled for products / categories with an active automated discount / strikethrough pricing:

When having completed the setup of the strikeout pricing discount, please make sure to click on the "SAVE" icon in the right top corner of the setup window to guarantee all adjustments are saved within the POS

Automatic product discounts can only be set on one product at time. When attempting to set a second automatic product discount on a product that already has one in Greenline, the system will not allow for such setup.

The automated discount will only become active once the POS has been synced, which happens automatically every 15 to 30 minutes. To speed up the process, a manual POS sync is recommended from within Mission Control


Once the POS has been successfully synced, strikethrough prices show as displayed below on the ECOM menu: