ECOM | Surfside Banner Placement

This article will explain how to place Surfside banners in specific areas within the ECOM menu.

Before enabling the Surfside Banner Placement fields on the ECOM menu, please reach out to Surfside via the link below for the unique Placement ID's referenced in this article:

  1. Log into ECOM Mission Control and click General -> Integrations -> Surfside
    1. For instructions on how to initially connect your Surfside account with ECOM, please click here.
  2. Click Settings and activate Surfside Banners on ECOM.
  3. Click Placements and enter the unique Placement IDs for the Surfside Banners on the ECOM.
  4. Once saved and toggled to Active, Surfside Banners will appear in the following locations:
  • Homepage:
  • Brand Page:
  • Category Page:
  • Cart Placement:

Surfside Banner Placements can be activated/deactivated as needed via Mission Control and will only show in the Active ECOM locations.