ECOM | BOGO Promotions

Easily add valid BOGO products to your cart with just one click from the Deals page or the cart

  • You can easily view available promotions and discounts on the menu and the Deals Page. Click here to learn more about the Deals Page and Discounts Tab.
  • Only available for Blaze POS 
  • "Add Promo to Cart" button will NOT display if there is more than one target product defined.

BOGO Promotion: Adding From Deal Card

 Step 1. Click on a BOGO promotion deal card from Deals page

Step 2. Once selected, an "Add Promo To Cart" button will appear next to the card. 

  • If there are 0 valid products in the cart, clicking "Add Promo To Cart" will add 2 units of the product to the cart and apply the BOGO promotion. 
  • If there is 1 valid product in the cart, clicking "Add Promo To Cart" will add an additional unit of the product to the cart and apply the BOGO promotion. 
  • If there are 2 valid products in the cart and the BOGO conditions are satisfied, the "Add Promo To Cart" button will be disabled.  

BOGO Promotion: Adding From Cart 

1. If one unit of a valid BOGO product is added to the cart:

  •  "BOGO Promotion Available" will display underneath the product along with an "Add Product" button. 
  • Clicking on "Add Product" will increment the quantity by 1 unit. 

2. Once the BOGO conditions have been satisfied, the promotion will be applied and displayed underneath the product and at the bottom of the cart under "Discount Total"


3. Discount will also appear at the checkout summary window under "Total Discount" 

How to Configure BOGO Promotions Within BLAZE POS

Step 1: Create Your Promotion

Build a standard V2 promotion on the Promotions page. The PROMOTION TYPE must be set to PRODUCT. 

Step 2: Configure Promotions fields as followed:

Step 3. Configure Promotions Rules as followed:

  • Target
    • RULE: One From Products  
      • Select product(s) that are available for the BOGO promotion
    • Discount Type: Final Price
      • Final Price: Enter price of second product  (Example: $0.01) 
  • Requirements:
    • RULE: By Product  
      • Select the same product(s) as above 
    • Min: 1