ECOM | Out of Stock or Unavailable Products

This article will explain the behavior of Out of Stock and Unavailable products on the ECOM menu.

ECOM will automatically remove Out of Stock or deleted products from the menu, preventing customers from searching for, finding and landing on products that are not available for purchase. 

This prevents overselling and customer pain points while they are shopping.

  • When an existing Valid for Sale product depletes its inventory, is disabled in the POS or unit levels fall below the Category Low Inventory Threshold, the product will be removed from the ECOM menu search and from the menu visually.
  • The product's unique page URL will still remain available, but will display a "This product is no longer available." message if a customer has it bookmarked/favorited or visits it from their browser history. Customers will not be able to add an unavailable product to their cart.
  • The product's unique page URL will also not be indexed by Google or crawlers until the product is available for purchase again.